
Activities & Events

St. Paul's high school youth group is an active ministry focusing on student/church connection, Biblical encouragement and instruction, and Christian fellowship. 

Get connected with our youth group and learn more:

Youth Coordinator Becky Blake | Assistant Pastor Lawton Thompson


youth gathering

new orleans | 2025

What Is the Youth Gathering?

The LCMS Youth Gathering is a triennial event that brings together thousands of high school youth and adults from across the country to grow in their faith and learn about their Lutheran identity. The 2025 Gathering, themed "Endure," will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from July 19-23. During these five days, teens will engage in worship, service, fellowship, and learning opportunities that encourage them in their walk with Jesus Christ.

Youth Growing in Faith

The Youth Gathering is more than just an event; it's a transformative experience that helps young people deepen their relationship with God. Through activities and sessions, youth will explore the vastness of Christ's Church and be equipped for vocational service as they continue their journey of faith.

St. Paul's Is Sending 50+ Youth to the Gathering

We are blessed to announce that St. Paul's will be sending over 50 youth to the Youth Gathering. Our young church members will grow in their faith, build lasting friendships, and experience the joy of being part of a larger community of believers. 

What Is Each Teen's Cost?

The cost to attend the Gathering is $1400 per person, which covers travel, lodging, meals, event registration, and expenses. To make this faith-building opportunity accessible to as many youth as possible, we only ask teens to pay for half, or $700. We aim to bridge the gap through various fundraising activities.

How to Support a High Schooler

We are grateful for the support of the church family and friends who are making an impact in the lives of our youth. Here are a few ways you can help:

Circle  Pray | Keep our youth and volunteer leaders in your prayers as they prepare for and attend the Gathering.

Circle  Support | Assist our youth in their fundraising efforts in the next months by your participation, and by spreading the word to friends and family.

Circle  Donate | Consider a donation designated to a particular attendee, or to our youth group's general travel expenses.

  • Donate by check | You may mail a check to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Attn.: Laurie Barnet (Financial Manager), 12345 Manchester Road, Des Peres, MO 63131
  • Donate online | Secure online giving is available at:

online giving

wednesday meetups

WEEKLY | 5:30-7:00PM

St. Paul’s high school youth group is an opportunity each week for students in grades 9-12 to gather on Wednesday evenings in the youth room from 5:30-7:00 around Bible study, games, snacks, and service. Youth group is a place in the midst of a busy week where students can rest in God’s Word and fellowship with one another. 

Event & Activity schedule


Catch the latest at StPaulsDesPeresYouth


2024-2025 | In our Sunday Bible study just for high school students, teens will dig into relevant issues of mainstream culture and the clear distinction between what the world teaches us and what the Word teaches us. The study is based on the book Christ and Culture, written by psychologist and Christian counselor Dr. Holly Brand.



Video  Watch video of Holly Brand's presentation at St. Paul's.

St. Paul's youth ministry was pleased to welcome special guest speaker Dr. Holly Brand — a psychologist, professor, author, and Christian speaker— who shared her insight and expertise on balance, wisdom, and Godly discernment in teen's use of social media today. The video is offered for St. Paul's families, with the permission of the speaker.


"YOU MATTER" TOUR at St. Paul's

microphone  Listen to audio of Heather Ruesch's presentation at St. Paul's.

Candid * Real * Current | St. Paul's brought nationally-recognized speaker and author, Heather Ruesch, to present her "You Matter" program to families, teens, tweens and the Lutheran community. Ruesch spoke about life issues, sexuality, and creating a culture of Biblical integrity. Listen to the recording for a refresher of the important topics outlined.