

Car Side  Parking Changes During Construction | Details

Golden Anniversary Group Photo Available

Smoke-Off Extravaganza | Oct. 19

Pastor Thomas' Retirement Celebrations | Oct. 20

Worst WurstFest | Oct. 27

Light the Way | Nov. 1

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays | Nov. 2

GriefShare 13-Week Series | Nov. 18-Feb. 10

Christmas Shoeboxes | Return by Nov. 17

175th Anniversary Photo Album


  • weekly parking update

    Oct. 19 & 20 Parking Brief | Construction is underway and  fence gates are closed. Mall shuttle busses are on hiatus. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below. 

    Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway. 

    details & maps below

  • golden+ Anniversary Photo

    Thank you to our golden anniversary couples married 50 years or more, who enjoyed wedding vow renewal, worship service recognition, and a church luncheon on October 13. Group photo sheets are available at our reception lobby information counter, and can be downloaded below. 

    download photo

  • Smoke-Off Extravaganza: oCT. 19

    Saturday, October 19 | 4:00-8:00 p.m. | Off-site

    Come enjoy an afternoon of refreshing beverages, smoldering grills, and relaxed atmosphere while we raise funds for St. Paul's School's athletic department. Held off-site this year at STL Sandbar (2851 Barrett Station Rd., 63021). To sign up as a competitor or pre-order dinner tickets ($18/adult; $12/child) email 

  • retirement celebration: Oct. 20

    Sunday, October 20, 2024

    October 20 marks Pastor Glen Thomas’ last Sunday St. Paul’s, as he delivers his final sermon. Our church family will have two opportunities to celebrate with Pastor upon his retirement from pastoral ministry.

    • Church Reception | 11:45 a.m. | Fellowship Hall
      Join with friends to enjoy refreshments and wish Pastor Thomas well in his retirement.
    • Banquet at Greenbriar Country Club | 5:00 p.m.
      A retirement celebration will be held at Greenbriar Hills Country Club with a social hour, dinner, and speaker presentations. Greenbriar requires collared shirts and no denim, please. Please note that banquet registration has closed. 
    • Cards & GiftsA basket for cards can be found at the church reception and banquet. Freewill contributions to Pastor’s retirement gift fund may be made to the church office or online.

    Read Pastor Thomas retirement announcement letter to the congregation.

  • Worst WurstFest: Oct. 27

    Worst WurstFest | Sun., Oct. 27 | Noon | Volunteer

    Much has changed on campus since our last Reformation Sunday festival! With no large spaces to gather, construction equipment and dust everywhere … is this the WORST idea to gather in fellowship? No, as God’s people, we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, trusting that He guides, leads, and protects us. 

    Join us after church on Reformation Sunday for this year’s “Worst WurstFest” with brats, saurkraut, pretzels, chips, applesauce, root beer, dessert, music, and giveaways. Meals and mingling in Fellowship Hall and our lobbies. 

  • Light the Way:  Nov. 1

    Friday, November 1 • 5:45 p.m. | Flyer

    Space is limited | Register

    Join us for an evening to align our hearts with God’s Word, Christ’s love, and community care. This special one-time event features nationally-recognized author and speaker Tanner Olson, and Christian singer-songwriter Blake Flattley. The evening begins with a complimentary dinner, followed by rotating stations where we'll assemble blessing bags and write cards for our in-home members; includes prayer stations, and a "Pie It Forward" dessert bar.

  • GriefShare "Surviving the Holidays": Nov. 2

    Saturday, November 2 | 10:00 a.m. - Noon | FH

    Register | Holidays present unique challenges for grieving people. St. Paul’s will offer Surviving the Holidays to help navigate your grief; register for this free event online or call our church office at 314-822-0447. Light refreshments will be served. GriefShare’s holiday blog also offers helpful information.


    13-week series begins | Nov. 18-Feb. 10

    Monday evening meetings | 6:00-7:30 p.m. | LL4

    Learn more

  • CHristmas Shoeboxes: return by Nov. 17

    Christmas shoeboxes | Return by Nov. 17

    Send a Christmas gift of hope around the world! Operation Christmas Child collects and distributes shoeboxes filled with gifts, supplies, and the message of the Gospel in a 12-lesson Bible study  to children in need in 150+ countries. Complimentary empty shoeboxes are in the narthex. 

    Three ways to help:

    • Shop and fill a shoebox • How-to video
      Suggested items • Start with one "wow" item such as a doll, large toy, soccer ball/pump, toy truck, stuffed animal, or musical instrument. Then fill in with items like markers, crayons, a toothbrush, puzzle, rump rope, stickers, Yo-yo, Frisbee, binoculars, hat, and more.

    • Donate • Write a check (or give online) to St. Paul’s with the notation “shoeboxes.”

    • Build Online • Build a shoebox online, or make an online donation to Samaritan's Purse.

  • It's our 175th anniversary Year!

    Read more about St. Paul's history, pastors, and principals.


  • MONTHLY small-setting communion

    Next date: Monday, November 4 | Noon | Sanctuary

    If mobility challenges or concerns about crowds have kept you from in-person church worship or Communion, you are warmly invited to a special small-setting worship opportunity on the first Monday of each month. Our pastors look forward to meeting you for orders of worship.

2024 construction

Parking Impacts

As we embark on the construction of our new ministry facilities, we will also be adapting to significant parking changes due to new construction zones, trucks, and building materials on campus. 

  • Parking limitations are temporary; when construction is complete, full parking capacity will be restored. 
  • Carpooling is highly encouraged.
  • For worshipers with mobility challenges, we hope to prioritize use of the 72 remaining campus parking spaces (which include 11 handicap-access spaces) not affected by construction zones.
  • Passenger drop-off is available at the west lobby entrance, with a new temporary exit created.
  • Extra parking is available at Edward Jones, the Village Bar, and the mall; see details below. 

Weekly Parking Brief

Oct. 19 & 20 Parking Brief | Construction is underway and  fence gates are closed. Mall shuttle busses are on hiatus. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below. 

Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway. 

circledownarrow  Maps

2024 parking MAP

St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that we have secured arrangements with three neighboring businesses for overflow parking during construction.

  • Handicapped Parking circledownarrow Diagram and details below
    East-entrance spots | Daily
    West-entrance spots | Weekends only
  • Parking at Edward Jones Garage
    Sundays | The Edward Jones garage across the street is available for parking on Sundays. You’re encouraged to take advantage of the crosswalk at the Ballas/Manchester stop light.
  • Parking at the Village Bar < 11:00 a.m.
    Daily | The Village Bar has offered parking in their lots prior to their restaurant hours. Access church via the Manchester Road sidewalk. Please remember to depart the Village Bar lots by 11:00 a.m. daily. 
  • Parking at Mall/Copia + Shuttle | On hiatus
  • No Parking at Des Peres Park
    While City Hall is under renovation, Des Peres has restricted parking (marked with new signage) to only patrons using the park. 
  • Saturday Parking Unaffected
    Ample parking is expected for Saturday worship, with possible overflow at Schnucks.  

print map (PDF)



handicapped access

Daily: east-entrance spots | Eight east-entrance handicapped parking spots are available daily; please enter and exit via westbound Manchester Road.

Weekends only: west-entrance spots | For the protection of your vehicle, and to prevent work stoppages if construction equipment cannot enter through west-side (Ballas Road) construction gates, congregation members are asked to please not park in west-entrance spots Monday through Friday. On weekends, the three west-entrance handicapped spots are available for use.

Daily: School | Handicapped parking is also available near the north entrance to our school building.