Car Side Parking Changes During Construction | Details below
Cancellations | Feb. 12
Men's Breakfast | Feb. 22
What We Believe Class | Begins March 2
Ash Wednesday | March 5 | Lenten webpage
Organ Concert | March 9 | Read more
Help Name Our News Spaces | Deadline March 15
Israel Tour Led by Pastor Schudde | Feb. 2026
Commemorative Bricks & Crosses for Sale
"Dinner for Eight" Groups Forming Now
st. paul's on socal media
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bible study & church activities canceled: Feb. 12
Update posted February 12 at 5:30 a.m.
- Living Way Bible study and all scheduled daytime and evening church activities
- are canceled on Wednesday, February 12, due to forecasted snow.
- The church office is closed.
- St. Paul’s Lutheran School is closed on February 12; for school closure updates, please visit
Weather announcements appear on St. Paul's website home page and news page.
weekly parking brief
Parking on St. Paul's Campus
Sundays | Construction is underway and with parking available on our north lot. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below.
Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway.
Men's Breakfast: Feb. 22
23rd Annual Men’s Breakfast | Greenbriar Hills Country Club | Map
Saturday, February 22 | 8:00-10:30 a.m.
Register by Feb. 17 | Cost: $25/person
All men of St. Paul’s, along with their neighbors, relatives, friends, and co-workers, are invited to enjoy this morning of fellowship and faith, featuring a keynote speaker, devotional speaker, and a delicious breakfast buffet at our annual men's breakfast event (speakers TBA).
What we believe class: Begins March 2
Beginning Sunday, March 2, 2025 | Register with Renee HemmyEnvelopeRenee Hemmy
Six weeks: March 2 - April 13 (no class March 9) | 9:30 a.m.
Delve into what the Bible teaches in our upcoming What We Believe class. All are welcome, whether to refresh your understanding or to learn something new. Read more on our Bible Studies page.
ash wednesday | lent begins: march 5
Wednesday, March 5
10:00 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. | Dinner: Jambalaya take-out
We warmly welcome you to join us in worship this Lenten season, beginning on Ash Wednesday, with the imposition of ashes prior to the start of services. Each Wednesday in Lent, St. Paul's offers services with Communion at 10:00 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. This year’s Lenten sermon series explores the Messianic and Penitential psalms, focusing on a different psalm each week.
Sunday, March 9 | 4:00 p.m. | Read more
Music at St. Paul's cordially invites you to an organ concert featuring Mr. Joel Stoppenhagen, a student in the Master of Sacred Music program at the University of Notre Dame. The event is complimentary, with a freewill offering, and is open to the public.
Help Name Our New Spaces: Submit by March 15
A centerpiece of our "Tell the Wonders He Has Done" ministry expansion is a beautiful beamed multi-use space that will be home to our Living Stone worship service, will serve as banquet and event space, and during the week, will be well-utilized as the school cafeteria and an after-school care student area.
As we prepare to bring this space to life, we want your input in choosing the perfect name! Our church council will review all submissions and select a name that reflects our vision, values, and the many ways this space will serve our community.
Own a Piece of St. Paul's History: Bricks & Crosses
Commemorative bricks from the old school wing, with engraved brass plates, are available in the school office for $50. We also have another group of crosses made of wood from our gym stage, in two sizes, for $15 or $25. The proceeds will go toward furnishing our new building. Quantities are limited! Please feel free to call the school at 314-822-2771 if you would like us to set one aside.
Register | "Dinner for Eight" groups at St. Paul’s are a great way to meet new friends or stay connected with longtime friends. Our dinner groups, based on common interests or seasons of life, gather together about once a month to enjoy good food and fellowship. Each individual/family takes a turn to be the host home within the group, or selects a restaurant. Dinner can be as fancy or casual as your group prefers.
2026 Israel Tour Led by Pastor Schudde
Early-bird discount through Feb. 15, 2025
Brochure | Registration (Use tour code Schudde26)
Pastor Schudde and his wife Kris will be leading a 10-day tour of Israel (with an optional four-day extension to Egypt) on Feb. 17-26, 2026. Brochures are available in the receptionist lobby, and an information meeting will take place in May.
MONTHLY small-setting communion
Next date Monday, March 3 | Noon | Sanctuary
If mobility challenges or concerns about crowds have kept you from in-person church worship or Communion, you are warmly invited to a special small-setting worship opportunity on the first Monday of each month. Our pastors look forward to meeting you for orders of worship.
2025 parking MAP
St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that we have secured arrangements with two neighboring businesses for overflow parking during construction.
Parking on St. Paul's Campus
Sunday | Construction is underway and with parking available on our north lot. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below.
Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway.
Handicapped Parking circledownarrow Diagram and details below
East-entrance spots | Daily
West-entrance spots | Weekends & holidays only
Parking at Edward Jones Garage
Sundays & Holidays | The Edward Jones garage across the street is available for parking on Sundays. You’re encouraged to take advantage of the stoplight crosswalk.
Parking at the Village Bar < 11:00 a.m.
Daily | The Village Bar has offered parking in their lots prior to their restaurant hours. Access church via the Manchester Road sidewalk. Please remember to depart the Village Bar lots by 11:00 a.m. daily.
No Parking at Des Peres Park
While City Hall is under renovation, the city of Des Peres has restricted parking (marked with new signage) to only patrons using the park.
Far north parking lot of Schnucks plaza
Ample parking is expected for Saturday worship, with possible overflow at Schnucks.
handicapped access
Daily: East-entrance spots | Eight east-entrance handicapped parking spots are available daily; please enter and exit via westbound Manchester Road.
Sundays only: West-entrance spots | For the protection of your vehicle, and to prevent work stoppages if construction equipment cannot enter through west-side (Ballas Road) construction gates, congregation members are asked to avoid parking in west-entrance spots Monday through Saturday. On Sundays, the three west-entrance handicapped spots are available for use.
Daily: School | Handicapped parking is also available near the north entrance to our school building.
2024-2025 construction
Parking Impacts
As we embark on the construction of our new ministry facilities, we will also be adapting to significant parking changes due to new construction zones, trucks, and building materials on campus.
- Parking limitations are temporary; when construction is complete, full parking capacity will be restored.
- Carpooling is encouraged.
- For worshipers with mobility challenges, we hope to prioritize use of the 72 remaining campus parking spaces (which include 11 handicap-access spaces) not affected by construction zones.
- Passenger drop-off is available at the west lobby entrance, with a new temporary exit created.
- Extra parking is available at Edward Jones, the Village Bar, and the mall; see details above.