
st. paul's


The core values we hold as true at St. Paul’s to be faithful in Christ, confident in Christ, joyful in Christ, and connected in Christ describe us as children of God. 

Our vision statement, “To be devoted followers of Jesus Christ, passionate about sharing the Gospel in word and deed” reflects that Christ is the center of our biblical foundation.

FAITHful in christ


Jesus is the center of our biblical foundation, Gospel message, and the Lutheran Confessions

Pastor Thomas' sermon on Faithfulness in Christ


joyful in christ


Jesus is our source of joy that transcends our daily circumstances

Pastor Wade's sermon on Joyfulness in Christ


connected in christ

Helping Hands

Jesus’ love moves us to serve the community and one another

Pastor Thomson's sermon on Connectedness in Christ

confident in christ

Praying Hands

Jesus generously provides all that we need for daily and eternal life

Pastor Sieveking's sermon on Confidence in Christ