
living way

DATES: September 2024 - April 2025

TWO SESSIONS: Wed. mornings or Thurs. evenings

REGISTER circlerightarrow online or by calling the church office

 Epistle to the Ephesians | September 11-December 4, 2024

Messianic & Penitential Psalms | January 8-April 30, 2025

Format: Living Way is a weekly Bible study that allows for in-depth learning integrated in three ways: small group discussion, large-group pastor's lecture, and at-home lesson worksheets.

Psalms | Starting January 2025: In our exploration of the psalms, we'll delve into both the penitential psalms, which express deep sorrow for sin and seek God's mercy and forgiveness, and the messianic psalms, which prophesy and reflect the coming of the Messiah, highlighting themes of kingship, suffering, and ultimate triumph.

On Wednesday mornings from *9:00-10:30 a.m., men and women participate in separate small groups, with lectures in the church Sanctuary. Childcare is available. (*See Lent 2025 time changes here.)

On Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m., men and women gather in a single small group, closing with a recording/video of the Wednesday morning pastor-led lecture.

Alternate Calendar  Wednesday morning calendar: Click here

Alternate Calendar  Thursday evening calendar: Click here

Sticky Note  2024/25 LESSONS & recordings

Car Side Where to park?

faith foundations

what we believe

Beginning Sunday, March 2, 2025

Six weeks: Mar. 2 - April 13 (no class March 9)

Sunday mornings | 9:30 a.m.

Location TBA

To join the next class, contact  Envelope  Pastor Wade or call the church office at 314-822-0447 and speak with Envelope  Renee Hemmy

circlerightarrow Video of our pastors discussing the class

Delve into the basics of the Christian faith and what Lutherans believe.  All are welcome, whether to refresh your understanding or to learn something new.

Led by our pastors, the class offers a comfortable setting and comprehensive teaching on foundations of the Lutheran faith, including Christ, Baptism, Communion, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and other significant items.

Although there's no obligation to become a member of St. Paul’s after completing the class, those who wish to continue to membership are warmly welcomed.

recordings & materials

sunday morning


SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:30-10:30 a.m.

LOCATIONFellowship Hall

"In the Beginning: What Genesis shows us about God's will for His creation and how it impacts our Christian life."  
We'll explore key themes such as creation, humanity's fall, God's covenants, and His faithfulness through Genesis chapters 1-50. Join us to deepen your understanding of God's will and providence in our lives.

  1. In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1–2:3)

    Explore God's creation, His power, and the intentionality behind His work.
  2. God’s Image and the Fall (Genesis 2:4–3:24)
    Discuss humanity’s creation in God's image, the introduction of sin, and its consequences.
  3. Faith and Obedience: Noah’s Story (Genesis 6:5–9:17)
    Study God's judgment and grace through the flood and His covenant with Noah.
  4. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1–9, 15:1–21)
    Examine God’s promise to Abraham and the beginning of His covenant people.
  5. Faith Tested (Genesis 22:1–19)
    Reflect on Abraham’s willingness to trust God through the test of sacrificing Isaac.
  6. God’s Plan in Difficulties (Genesis 37:1–36)
    Discuss Joseph’s story, focusing on how God’s purposes unfold even in adversity.
  7. God’s Sovereignty in Suffering (Genesis 39:1–23)
    Study Joseph’s time in Egypt, highlighting God’s presence in trials.
  8. Forgiveness and Reconciliation (Genesis 45:1–15)
    Explore Joseph’s reunion with his brothers and the power of forgiveness.
  9. God’s Faithfulness Through Generations (Genesis 50:15–26)
    Conclude with God’s faithfulness to His covenant promises and His people.

FOCUS: Foundation Bible Class gets its name from the truth that Christ is our foundation in all things. The study focuses on exploring how our foundation in Christ transforms who we are, and how we live our lives. Open discussion and questions from participants are actively encouraged. 

Previous study topics have included: change, community, the Sabbath, Godly leadership, racial inequality, Heaven, gossip, angels and demons, wrestling with God, Bible translations, comparative religion, church/state, and mercy.



microphone  KFUO: Listen Live

SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:30-10:30 a.m.

LOCATION: Music room

DATES: Year-round

Join us for an in-depth study of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, led by Rev. Dr. David Smith. 

Listen to the Bible study broadcast live each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. on KFUO 850AM radio in the St. Louis region. Outside of St. Louis, listen live online at

class recordings at kfuo

specially-scheduled studies


    Register here All women, whether single or married, are invited to our six-week nurturing program based on Titus 2:3-5.  Lessons on kindness, loving your husband and children, submission, purity, and hospitality encourage women in their daily walk with Christ. Bible Study, shared life experiences, cooking demonstrations, and practical homemaking provide invaluable encouragement and lasting benefit. 

    Past participants have shared that Apples of Gold provided real connection with other women and deepened their relationship with Christ and their family. Questions: Contact Sharon Shearman.

  • Institute of Theology

    Listening archives | Presented annually, St. Paul's is pleased to continue its tradition of inviting special guest lecturers — each well-versed in his theological subject matter — to lead our Institute of Theology. The study series is open to St. Paul’s members and guests. 

    Past speakers have included Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, Dr. Timothy E. Saleska, Dr. Greg Seltz, Dr. Joel Elowsky, Dr. Joel Biermann, Dr. Gerhard Bode, and Dr. Larry Vogel.

  • Pray-ers for Peace

    First and third Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.

    Location | Mount Calvary Lutheran Church | 9321 Litzsinger Road, 63144 | Conference room

    You're invited to join in a prayer group led by St. Paul's member and LCMS deaconess Gayle Truesdell; although held at Mount Calvary, St. Paul's members are warmly welcomed to attend.  Deaconess Truesdell shares, "As Christians, we struggle to find our way through these difficult times. What can we do to make things better? I believe that prayer — fervent and faithful — is our greatest tool for peace right now."

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 

JOHN 1:1




DATES & TIMES: Monday mornings, 6:00-7:00 a.m.

TOPICFirst Epistle to the Thessalonians

Men of the congregation are invited to join the Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study. 

Begin each week in God's Word with study time that’s scheduled before your morning commute or workday begins.

Contact Mark Bender circleemail to join the study.



Children's Sunday School: Experience our "HIS Kids" Sunday school ministry with Sunday morning Bible lessons, skits, prayer times, crafts, songs, and creative learning activities. Our greeters and ushers are happy to direct you to each age level's classroom.

High School Sunday Bible Study: Post-Confirmation age youth are encouraged to participate in our inter-generational adult Bible studies, together with family or peers. Read more about youth ministry at St. Paul's here

Confirmation: Confirmation instruction class modules for middle school students. Info here.

women's studies

MomCo and MomCo After Dark

Your Mom CommunityRead more and register here 

Our MomCo meetups (formerly called MOPS) are a place for friendship, community, support, faith, and growth for moms from pregnancy through elementary-age children. 

Women of the Bible | Summer

This is a four-week women's Bible study that convenes in the summer months. For more information, contact our church office at 314-822-0447.

Apples of Gold | Intergenerational women's study

Register here | A unique ministry based on intergenerational mentorship, the six-week study explores and celebrates the connection between home, family, marriage, and faith. Meets in rotating homes for Bible study, cooking demos,  and discussion.