Car Side Parking Changes During Construction | Details below
Senior Pastor Call Process | Webpage
Shepherd book | Weekly Reading Guide
ECC Bowling Fundraiser | March 29
Women's Friendship Breakfast | April 12
Easter Egg Hunt | April 19
Golf Tournament | April 28
Israel Tour Led by Pastor Schudde | Feb. 2026
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senior pastor call process
Learn more
St. Paul's maintains a webpage for congregation reference, featuring published updates from the call committee, insights about the call process, key documents, and congregational survey insights.
weekly parking brief
Parking on St. Paul's Campus
Sundays | Construction is underway and with parking available on our north lot. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below.
Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway.
Wednesday Parking During Lent | Read more
Shepherd Book Devotions: March-May
This spring, our congregation joins together for a devotional journey, exploring one chapter in the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 each week.
We'll prepare for the coming week's chapter with a Mindful Monday devotion and a "Flock Talk" home discussion question, and explore the chapter in our Sunday 9:30am Foundation Bible class. While our pastors' sermons will align with the liturgical calendar, they will also weave in devotional highlights from the weekly Shepherd book chapter.
Each household is invited to pick up a complimentary book in our church lobbies, with a bookmark outlining St. Paul’s 12-week reading guide.
- What to Read March 16-22 • Read Chapter 3 in preparation for Sunday, March 23
- March 23 Sermon Highlight & Foundation Bible study • Chapter 3: "He Makes Me Lie Down in Green Pastures"
- Week of March 23-29 "Flock Talk" Home Discussion Question • What areas of your life lack contentment and could use your obedience?
- St. Paul's Mindful Monday devotion on Chapter 3 • Read here
____________- What to Read March 23-29 • Read Chapter 4 in preparation for Sunday, March 30
- March 30 Sermon Highlight & Foundation Bible study • Chapter 4: "He Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters"
- Week of March 30-April 5 "Flock Talk" Home Discussion Question • "What are some things you can incorporate into your daily routine to remember your Baptism?"
- St. Paul's Mindful Monday devotion on Chapter 4 • Read here
ECC's “Strikes for Our Tykes” Bowling: March 29
Saturday, March 29 • 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Register | Join the fun for an adult bowling night at Crestwood Lanes supporting our ECC. Tickets include unlimited bowling, catered food buffet, and open bar. So line up your team for ultimate bragging rights! $40/person. Sponsorship opportunities and raffles.
Women's Friendship Breakfast: April 12
Saturday, April 12 | 8:30 a.m. | Greenbriar Hills Country Club
Registration deadline: April 7
Alternate Calendar Date, Time & Venue
The Women's Friendship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, April 12, at 8:30 a.m. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. The location for this event is the Greenbriar Hills Country Club (12665 Big Bend Boulevard; Kirkwood, MO 63122 | Alternate Map Marker map).
Female Female Friends & Faith
In its 25th year, this popular Women’s Friendship Breakfast is an inspirational morning that the women of St. Paul’s have come to look forward to each spring. All women of our congregation are invited to share fellowship, music, and inspiration from our guest speaker, and most importantly, to share the love of Jesus Christ with each other. Take this opportunity to reach out to friends and family, including your daughters ages 8 and older. Invite those you know who could use some uplifting, those who would enjoy a morning with you to renew your friendship, or those who may not know the joy and hope found in Jesus Christ. Whether you bring someone along or come by yourself, you are sure to enjoy this special morning.
Utensils Dining & DressA hot breakfast buffet will be served in the comfortable and attractive Greenbriar Hills Country Club Ballroom. The club dress code stipulates that no blue denim, short shorts, halter tops, or cut-off shorts may be worn. Nice pants, skirts, and dresses are preferred attire for this event.
Tasks Cost & Registration
The cost per person is $25. Register and pay online no later than Monday, April 7. Registration for the event is not complete until payment has been received. Reserved seating will be at tables of 10. You are welcome to bring guests with you, or to specify the women with whom you would like to be seated on your registration form.
Easter Egg Hunt: APril 19
Saturday, April 19 | 10:00 a.m. | ECC Campus
Age: babies to second graders; open to the community.
Annual Golf Tournament: April 28
Monday, April 28 | 11:30 a.m. | Forest Park
Location | The Courses at Forest Park, 6141 Lagoon Dr., 63112
Register | Come join us for a day of golf and fun! The event will include prizes, raffles, and an auction. Proceeds will help us outfit our new building and purchase necessary curriculum materials. Sign up to golf, donate an item, or help sponsor our event!
2026 Israel Tour Led by Pastor Schudde
Brochure | Registration (Use tour code Schudde26)
Pastor Schudde and his wife Kris will be leading a 10-day tour of Israel (with an optional four-day extension to Egypt) on Feb. 17-26, 2026. Brochures are available in the receptionist lobby, and an information meeting will take place in May.
MONTHLY small-setting communion
Next date Monday, April 7 | Noon | Sanctuary
If mobility challenges or concerns about crowds have kept you from in-person church worship or Communion, you are warmly invited to a special small-setting worship opportunity on the first Monday of each month. Our pastors look forward to meeting you for orders of worship.
2025 parking MAP
St. Paul’s is pleased to announce that we have secured arrangements with two neighboring businesses for overflow parking during construction.
Parking on St. Paul's Campus
Sunday | Construction is underway and with parking available on our north lot. For handicapped parking, please reference parking diagram below.
Monday-Saturday 6:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Note that there is no parking at our west entrance (Ballas Road side) Monday through Saturday, except during Wednesdays in Lent, because the zone is used as a heavy equipment throughway.
Handicapped Parking circledownarrow Diagram and details below
East-entrance spots | Daily
West-entrance spots | Weekends & holidays only
Parking at Edward Jones Garage
Sundays, Holidays, Lenten Evenings | The Edward Jones garage across the street is available for parking on Sundays and Wednesday evenings in Lent after 6:00 p.m. You’re encouraged to take advantage of the stoplight crosswalk.
Parking at the Village Bar < 11:00 a.m.
Daily | The Village Bar has offered parking in their lots prior to their restaurant hours. Access church via the Manchester Road sidewalk. Please be mindful to depart before the restaurant opens at 11:00 a.m.
No Parking at Des Peres Park
While City Hall is under renovation, the city of Des Peres has restricted parking (marked with new signage) to only patrons using the park.
Far north parking lot of Schnucks plaza
Ample parking is expected for Saturday worship, with possible overflow at Schnucks.
handicapped access
Daily: East-entrance spots | Eight east-entrance handicapped parking spots are available daily; please enter and exit via westbound Manchester Road.
Sundays only and Lenten Wednesdays: West-entrance spots | For the protection of your vehicle, and to prevent work stoppages if construction equipment cannot enter through west-side (Ballas Road) construction gates, congregation members are asked to avoid parking in west-entrance spots Monday through Saturday (but allowed for Wednesdays in Lent). On Sundays, the three west-entrance handicapped spots are available for use.
Daily: School | Handicapped parking is also available near the north entrance to our school building.
2024-2025 construction
Parking Impacts
As we embark on the construction of our new ministry facilities, we will also be adapting to significant parking changes due to new construction zones, trucks, and building materials on campus.
- Parking limitations are temporary; when construction is complete, full parking capacity will be restored.
- Carpooling is encouraged.
- For worshipers with mobility challenges, we hope to prioritize use of the 72 remaining campus parking spaces (which include 11 handicap-access spaces) not affected by construction zones.
- Passenger drop-off is available at the west lobby entrance, with a new temporary exit created.
- Extra parking is available at Edward Jones, the Village Bar, and at the north-end Schnuck plaza lot.